Monday, October 5, 2009

Boycott Israeli Goods Campaign

The boycott of Israeli goods will continue until Israel respects Palestinian human rights, abides by international law and ends the occupation. Boycott was an effective tool in helping to end South African apartheid, and it is hoped it will be as effective against Israeli apartheid. The boycott was called for and is supported by Palestinian civil society organisations.

We encourage all branches and activists to contribute to the effort to carry out a week of action that will be noticed by the public, the press, Israel and the Palestinians.

The aim of the campaign is to show Israel that its continued oppression of the Palestinian people is not condoned by the British public and also to show solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Why Boycott Israel?

The Palestinian people are experiencing their 42nd year of military occupation. The siege by the Israeli army and the economic blockade have devastated their daily lives so that 'normal' life is impossible.

Israel operates an entrenched system of racial Apartheid against its own non-Jewish inhabitants and has been illegally occupying Palestinian land in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights since 1967. It has sought to further annex these lands and has systematically transferred its own civilian population into these occupied territories in contravention of international law. Israel continues to build the illegal Apartheid wall, annexing vast swathes of Palestinian land in the West Bank and creating Palestinian ghettos, despite the ruling of the International Court of Justice that it is illegal.

180 Palestinian organisations and unions, in response to Israeli onslaught, have called for a campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Apartheid Israel.


  1. Jangan beli barangan buatan Israel!

  2. oon pays arabs kill the children of photo sell .... business

  3. Pallywood

  4. kfc, mcd, cola,pepsi... semua nya sedap. mcm mana nak boikot...

  5. stop je la drpd beli barang israel.. sanggup sngt ke tengok org islam mcm tue..

  6. Yahudi adalah cikal bakal DAJJAL besar diakhir dunia..........pembohong besar, biangnya iblis

  7. bro doain aja biar seluruh umat islam bersatu melawan yahudi yang memusuhi islam

  8. stop hisap rokok sekali!!
